Thursday, March 1, 2007

Fellow Trojans, "Start saving your beer money -- you might need it for court."

In an article by Eliot Van Buskirk of, Eliot says the RIAA sent a letter to 13 college universities "asking" the them to release "any name tied to an IP address suspected of file sharing." Furthermore, Eliot claims the letter asks the universities to send a copy of the letter to those students in question. "If students settle their cases over the phone or on within 20 days of their university's receipt of the letter, the RIAA promises their settlement will be at a 'substantial discount.'"

This article sucks on two levels. The first level is that the RIAA sent a letter to our university. The second level is that the RIAA is actually SO desperate they have reverted to begging ISP companies and schools for information regarding "suspected" file sharing users.

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